Configurable operations

Operations can be initiated from most list screens in Transportation Manager. The information in this document for each list assumes the user is authorized to all available operations for the applicable user group type. By default, some operations are accessible using buttons (for example, New or Properties) while others are accessible via a sub-menu after pressing a button (for example, More > Operations).

The systems administrator can modify the default configuration for any Transportation Manager list. The administrator can remove operations or change the method in which operations are accessed (for example: to provide direct access via a button instead of the Operations sub-menu). Customized operations can also be introduced. Overrides to the default configuration can be defined globally or for a specific user group.

The configurable operations can be used to alter any list, so the list of available operations or tasks in this document may not always correspond to what is available to a user at a specific time.

In addition, users in a specific user group might only be granted view access to certain lists. Consequently, operations that require update access (for example, New, Delete, or Duplicate) are not available to these users.

These considerations are also applicable to all control pages (for example, Load Build Control) and property pages that support additional operations (that is, in addition to Submit, Cancel, Return).

See Also

Web interface basics