Division and Logistics group security

Restrictions are imposed on division or logistics group restricted users. This section only describes division oriented restrictions, but the same restrictions are enforced for the Logistics Group, when applicable.

Property pages

In create and duplicate modes, Division defaults from the User Profile. Division restricted users cannot modify the Division in any mode.

If a Division restricted user triggers the Properties operation for an entity where Division is optional and not defined, the Properties page is displayed in View mode even if the user has been granted Update access to the applicable function.


If the user is restricted to a specific Division, hidden filter criterion is enforced to restrict user to rows where the Division for the entity is equal to the User’s restricted Division. For entities where Division is optional and the Security Mode for the Function is Advanced, the list also includes rows where the Division is not defined.

Users that are restricted to a specific Division cannot update data for an entity where Division is not defined.

Search pages

The Division field on Search pages defaults from the User Profile and is read-only for division restricted users. Click Refresh from any Properties page to trigger Refresh functionality for an entity ID. If a division is defined for the designated entity and it is not equal to the user’s division, the Refresh action fails.

See Also

Web interface basics