Search screens

Search is available for many lists in the Web Interface. When available, the search screen can be accessed by clicking the icon in the upper-right corner of the page.

Each search screen allows you to provide selection criteria for the corresponding list. When the Search button is clicked from the Search screen, the corresponding list is loaded using the designated selection criteria. Selection criteria provided on the Search page also is used by the Export Data utility.

To clear all your search criteria and filters, click Reset. This reinstates the defaults for the applicable page.

You can choose blank values in most fields; if at least one search criterion is required, enter the wildcard character (usually "%") in one field.

Wildcard searches

You can use the wildcard character (usually "%") in most search fields that do not have a drop-down list. For example, if you are searching for Load IDs:

Search exclusion

You can use the search exclusion character (usually "^") to indicate that the designated search arguments should be interpreted as exclusion criteria.

When the exclusion character is specified at the beginning of a text box, any subsequent search arguments are interpreted as exclusion criteria when generating the query.

For example, if the character "^" is selected to indicate exclusion on the Search for Carriers page, the string "^CARRIERA,CARRIERB" in a Carrier ID field would indicate that filtering should exclude carriers CARRIERA and CARRIERB.

If specified, the exclusion character is the first character in the text field. If the user supplies multiple values in a search field, the exclusion character only needs to be applied before the first search argument.

Transportation Manager does not support the case where some arguments for a specific search field are inclusion criteria while others for the same field are exclusion criteria, but it does allow a mixture of inclusion and exclusion criteria to be provided for different fields on the same search page (for example on the Search for Loads page, a user could use exclusion for Carrier ID and use inclusion for Service ID).

If the exclusion character is specified elsewhere in a text field (that is, somewhere other than the first character), the character is interpreted literally.

Values in ranges on search pages are interpreted exclusively as inclusion criteria.

Combo boxes on search pages are used exclusively to define inclusion criteria.

Note: When using secondary search to retrieve multiple IDs for exclusion, you must insert the special character for exclusion after returning from the secondary search page. You cannot indicate on the Secondary Search page that the selected values should be used for exclusion.

Include Unassigned

You can use the include unassigned character (usually "!") to indicate that the search should select rows where the designated field contains null or blank. This allows for identification of rows where a value has not been assigned for the applicable column.

The include unassigned special character is not applicable for ranges, combo boxes, or check boxes.

If used in combination with the search exclusion character, you could request rows where any non-null and non-blank value has been defined for the applicable column.

For example, if "!" is the character for include unassigned, comma is the separator character, "%" is the wildcard character and "^" is the exclusion character, for the Carrier ID field on a search page:

Note: Validation is not performed to identify cases where the include unassigned character is not applicable. If it used for a field that is mandatory in the applicable table, the search does not return any results.

Saved searches

Many search screens in Transportation Manager allow you to maintain a set of saved searches. When this functionality is available, a Saved Searches section is displayed at the top of the search screen. This feature allows you to save a set of search criteria and then recall it at a subsequent time. The list of saved searches is unique to each user/screen combination.

When Saved Search functionality is available, any filtering on dates or date ranges survive log out and subsequent log in, even when log in occurs on a different day.

Previously defined Saved Searches can be recalled from any search screen where Saved Search functionality is available by selecting the applicable entry from the Select Saved Search drop-down list and clicking Search.

Note: These Saved Searches can also be recalled from the corresponding list screen by selecting the applicable entry from the Search Results header row's drop-down list and clicking the Refresh icon.

Default filter criteria for search pages

A list page displays the results of the search run on the corresponding search page.

If the search page supports the saved searches function, the results of the search last run are displayed on the list page.

If the search page does not support the saved searches function, the default search results are displayed on the list page. You can define filter criteria on the search page. The results of the last run search are displayed on the list page until you log out.

The child list of an entity selected on a parent list is displayed on another drill-down list page. The default search results are displayed when you access the child list from the parent entity. The child list page displays the result of the current search when you return from its entity’s child list page.

For example:

Consider that the List of Freight Bills page displays the parent list, the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page displays the child list, and the Update Freight Bill Detail page displays the grandchild list.

When you access the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page from the List of Freight Bills page by selecting a freight bill, all freight bill details of the selected freight bill are displayed. You can use the search page associated with the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page to filter freight bill details whose reference number starts with ABC . Click Properties to access the Update Freight Bill Detail page for one of the filtered freight bill details. When you return to the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page from the Update Freight Bill Detail page, the list continues to display only the freight bill details whose reference number starts with ABC. If you return to the List of Freight Bills page and then access the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page for a different freight bill, the List of Freight Bill Details for Freight Bill page displays all freight bill details for the newly selected freight bill and the filtering based on reference number ABC is no longer valid.

Multiple selection – drop-down lists

Many drop-down lists on search screens in Transportation Manager allow you to supply more than one value. For example: You may want to search for loads in Tendered or Tender Accepted operational status. When multiple selection is supported, the icon is displayed to the right of the selection box. When only single selection is available, the icon is displayed.

Single selection on search pages is used when only one value can be logically provided (for example, when selection allows for "Yes" or "No").

To select multiple values (where available):

  1. Press the drop-down list icon. The drop-down list id displayed.
  2. Hold the Ctrl key while you click all rows that should be used for filtering. Click a row again to deselect it. Filtering is performed by selecting rows where the designated field contains any of the chosen values.

    If you select a value without pressing Ctrl, all previous selections are removed.

Multiple selection - text fields

Most text fields on search screens support multiple selection. Multiple values must be delimited using the separator character (usually ","). Blank spaces are not required. Examples of text fields are IDs, descriptions, and reference numbers.

If secondary search is supported for a lookup field (for example, City search on the search for loads screen), the secondary search returns one or more values at a time. You can return to the secondary search screen multiple times. To preserve previously selected values when reusing the secondary search, append the separator character after the last selected value before pressing the Search icon. In most cases, characters following the last separator character are used as default values on the secondary search screen. For example, if the City field on load search page contained ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE, BUFFALO when the Search icon was clicked, then BUFFALO is used as the default value for City Search).

Multiple selection is not supported for text fields on search screens that are used for ranges (for example, Weights, volumes, dates).

Highlight filter criteria in collapsed sections

For all search pages in Transportation Manager, if any filter criteria exists for any field in a section that is collapsed by default, the icon is displayed in the section header to identify the existence of "hidden" filter criteria.

A determination is made whether to display the "hidden" filter icon each time the search screen is displayed. If the icon was included when the screen was initially displayed, it continues to be displayed until the browser is directed to a different screen (for example, the corresponding list). This is the case for the current instantiation of the screen even if the section is expanded and all filter criteria in the section is cleared.

Date and date/time ranges

Some search pages allow you to filter based on a range of dates.

Some search pages allow you to filter based on a range of dates and times. You cannot specify a filter criterion for time unless you also provide a corresponding date (for example, From Time cannot be specified unless From Date is also provided). If a date is specified without a corresponding time, the earliest possible time (that is, 00:00) is assumed when using From Date and the latest possible time (that is, 23:59) is assumed when using To Date.

Some date ranges on search pages are used to filter against a range of dates for the applicable transaction (for example, the Pickup Date range for a shipment). From these pages, you can indicate how the date range on the filter page should be used.

Some search pages allow you to filter based on the following keywords and offsets that are relative to the search date and time. You can use these keywords instead of the absolute date and time values.

You can apply a keyword to the From Date and To Date fields, or you can apply a keyword to the From Date and an absolute value on the To Date, etc. But you cannot apply both a keyword and an absolute value to the same side of a date field.

You can specify offset values as Days and Hours for date and time fields and only Days for date fields. Days and Hours are used to calculate a relative duration that is added to the meaning of its accompanying keyword.

The following offset values are applicable for the Days and Hours fields:


You can specify the Days and Hours offsets in any combination of positive and negative values. Following are the examples of a valid keyword and offset uses:




Current Date and Time



Nearest Midnight






Nearest Midnight



For example, when accessing the Loads in Process, you can define a search criterion using the relative keywords and offsets for the From and To date fields:

See Also

Search in the Web Interface

Search field values (All)

Export list data to a spreadsheet

Legend of icons