Stop the previous request

The Stop Operation can be triggered by clicking Stop in the upper-right corner of any screen. Stop is displayed with other operations that are applicable to all screens. When Stop is clicked, processing for the most recently requested operation or function terminates.

If the requested operation or function does not generate a list with user-controlled filter criteria, you are returned to the default navigation pad page. This is the same page presented upon Login.

If Stop is clicked while the application is generating a list that has a corresponding Search screen, the list generation processing is discontinued and the browser is directed back to the applicable search screen.

If Stop is clicked while the application is generating the list for a secondary search, list generation is halted and the filter criteria in the upper portion of the secondary search page is displayed.

Search pages and secondary search pages present the set of filter criteria in effect when you most recently requested the applicable list.

If the page has not yet been refreshed but the server side processing is nearing completion, you may be returned to the default navigation pad page (that is, the same page presented upon Login).

See Also

Web interface basics