Change an accepted load tender (Carrier)

You can change an accepted load level tender for loads that are in Tender Accepted status.

  1. Perform one of the following tasks:
  2. Select a row representing a previously accepted load level tender from either list.
  3. Click View Details or skip to step 4. The Load Details screen is displayed.
  4. Click Accept or Revise Accept. The Load Tender Accept screen is displayed.
  5. Enter any desired information and click Revise Accept.

Note: You cannot modify the Tender Accepted By field when you revise an accepted tender.

The page from which you triggered the Revise Accept operation is displayed. A message indicates whether the Revise Accept action was successful.

Load and tender request information is updated. Rating results are invalidated for the load. The load is suspended if the estimated date/time at first stop is modified.

See Also

Load Tender Accept (Carrier)