Create Attachment (All)

This page allows you to create an attachment for the selected entity.

From the Transportation Manager Web user interface, perform the following steps to create an attachment:

  1. Display the list of attachments (All).
  2. Click New. The Create Attachment page is displayed.
  3. Select an appropriate file to upload as an attachment.
  4. Provide the details in other fields, as needed.
  5. (Employee users only) If you want to create an attachment for internal users, select the Internal Only check box. This option is disabled for carrier and customer users.

    Note: Internal attachments will not be visible to carrier and customer users.

  6. Click Submit.

From Transportation Smartbench, perform the following steps to create an attachment:

  1. Run a search to populate an entity view.
  2. Select an item for which you want to create attachments.
  3. Perform one of the following steps:
  4. Select an appropriate file to upload as an attachment.
  5. Provide the details in other fields, as needed.
  6. (Employee users only) If you want to create an attachment for internal users, select the Internal Only check box. This option is disabled for carrier and customer users.

    Note: Internal attachments will not be visible to carrier and customer users.

  7. Click Save/Continue to save the uploaded file and create another attachment. Alternatively, click Save/Finish to save the uploaded file and complete the operation.

See Also

Attachments (All)