Load Status Reporting (Carrier)

Status updates supported by this function are: Pickup Arrival, Pickup Departure, Delivery Arrival and Delivery Departure. Date/time and Reason Code are required information for each of these updates.

Depending on the information provided for a stop, one or more of the following status updates might be performed: Load Update Progress, Stop Confirm Pickup, Stop Confirm Delivery. The events generated by these updates can be viewed using the Load History function (under Carrier Track and Trace).

Note: The Stop Arrival / Departure information that is entered using this function is also recorded in the Stop Table.

Pickup Details

Data required by Load Confirm Pickup such as the Master Bill of Lading Reference may be entered to this section.

Stops (Load Itinerary)

Stops are listed in ascending order by sequence number. Arrival and/ or Departure Data can be supplied for any of these stops, providing that all business rules enforced by Transportation Manager are respected:

A Pick and Drop stop will be listed twice, first as a Drop stop and then as a Pick stop.

Note: The Date/ Times entered at Stop Level will be considered to be in local time (based on Stop Location).

Additional Operations

BOLs for Shipments Picked at Stop (Carrier)

ETA for Stop (Carrier)

See Also

Load History (Carrier)