Search for Resource Utilization for Chart (Carrier)

Use this screen to define search criteria for the Chart of Resource Utilization.

When the corresponding chart is accessed for a carrier, domicile, domicile equipment or domicile vehicle, some of the following filter criteria may be unavailable: Domicile, Equipment Type, Vehicle ID, Vehicle Sequence Number and Vehicle Overflow.

When the corresponding chart is accessed for a load or trip, values for Domicile, Equipment Type, Vehicle ID, Vehicle Sequence Number and Vehicle Overflow currently in effect for the load or trip will be assigned as default filter criteria but these can be overridden either explicitly or by using a saved search.

The search icon used to access this page is at the top of the list portion of the Chart or Resource Utilization. The list is positioned on the left hand side of the screen.


Search for resource utilization for chart (Carrier)

See Also

Resource Utilization Chart (Carrier)