Confirm Delivery for a Shipment (Carrier)

Use this screen to confirm the delivery of shipment legs that are In Transit or Partially Delivered status. When you confirm delivery of the selected shipment legs, their statuses are advanced to Delivered or Partially POD.

The statuses Partially Delivered and Partially POD are only applicable for shipment legs attached to a manifest.

If delivery is confirmed at shipment leg level for a shipment leg that has shipment leg details, confirmation is performed for all associated details where delivery has not already been reported.

Use the Reset button to clear dates/times from this screen.

Note: The date/time on this page should be expressed in the time zone context of the system.


Confirm delivery for a shipment (Carrier)

See Also

Confirm Delivery for a Shipment Leg Detail (Carrier)

Confirm Delivery for a Stop (Carrier)

Shipment History (Carrier)