Shipment History (Carrier)

This screen displays the events associated with the current shipment leg. This includes events for the selected shipment leg as well as events for the associated load or manifest and the attached shipment leg details.


The list is displayed by default in descending order based on the system date/time when the event occurred in Transportation Manager. For information on icons and functionalities available on the list pages, see Web Interface lists.

By default, the list will be restricted to events that have been recorded at shipment leg level.

The Shipment History page can present the following events for the selected shipment leg:

The Shipment History list will NOT present the following:


Change the progress of a shipment (Carrier)

Confirm delivery for a shipment (Carrier)

Create a POD for a shipment (Carrier)

Delete an appointment for Destination or Origin (All)

Display an appointment for Destination or Origin (All)

Display and work with a shipment’s history (Carrier)

Display carrier reference numbers (All)

Display memo comments (All)

Display POD details for a shipment (Carrier/Customer)

Return a shipment to Delivered Status (Carrier)

Return a shipment to In Transit Status (Carrier)

Generate Event (All)

Reverse an event (All)

Search for events for a shipment leg (Carrier)

Task (shipment legs attached to a manifest)

Display the list of shipment leg details of a shipment leg (All)

See Also

List of Shipments – T&T (Carrier)

List of Shipments of a Load (Carrier)

Shipments at Stop (Carrier)