Web Interface lists

Row selection

To select an item in a list, click its radio button or check box. Radio buttons and check boxes are displayed in the first column of a list.

On some lists, you can select or deselect all the items by clicking the check box in the first column on rows where headings are displayed.


If there are more columns in a list than can be viewed on your screen, use the list's horizontal scroll bar (or its arrow buttons) to move left and right through the columns in the list.


A count of rows selected for the current page is included in the Search Results row above each list. You can use the icon to identify the number of pages that would be required to present all rows that satisfy the current selection criteria.

The following paging controls are presented at the bottom of each list.


If there are more items in a list than can be viewed on your screen:

If you return to a page via a navigation pad link after visiting a different page, you are returned to the same occurrence of the page that was presented before leaving. For example, if the list was presenting page 3 of 10, upon return page 3 of 10 is displayed again.

Highlight search criteria

If a list supports Saved Search functionality, a drop-down list is displayed in the Search Results header row that is displayed above the list.

This drop-down list indicates the Saved Search that was used when generating the list. If a Saved Search was not used, the drop-down list indicates whether the list was based on default search criteria for the list (System Defaults) or that override filter criteria are in effect (Overrides in Effect).

Quick search by principal identifier

You can perform a quick search based on the principal identifier from many lists in Transportation Manager without having to actually invoke the search pages. For example, the primary identifier will be the Load ID for load lists, Trip ID for trips lists, Shipment ID for shipment lists, etc.

Quick search fields generally support data value copy/paste from an external source (such as from Notepad or Excel). Pasting values from the clipboard will automatically insert value separators when multiple rows are identified.

Note: As the principal identifier search is intended for quick searches, users who want to search based on any other filter criterion will need to use the corresponding search page or the Saved Searches from the Saved Search combo box on the lists.

Refresh list

The Refresh List RefreshList icon on a grid allows you to refresh data without having to exit and re-enter the page.

Export data to a spreadsheet

Most lists allow authorized users to export data from the list to a spreadsheet by clicking . See "Export list data to a spreadsheet".

Customize list screens

Most lists allow authorized users to customize the appearance of the screen by clicking . See "Customize list screens".

Search screens

Most lists allow users to define selection criteria. The icon is used to navigate to the corresponding Search screen where selection criteria can be defined. See "Search screens".

Configurable operations

Each list topic in this document refers to all operations that could potentially be triggered from the list. Some of these operations may be unavailable, depending on the configuration of the screen element operations for the applicable user group. Also, some of these operations may only be accessible by clicking a sub-menu button. For example: The Operations button allows the user to access a list of additional operations that can be performed from the current list. See "Configurable operations".

See Also

Web interface basics