Generate Event (All)

Use this page to generate an event for a load, shipment, shipment leg, shipment leg container, dock commitment, or appointment.

When generating an event for a load, shipment leg or shipment leg container, you may also supply current location information to indicate placement of the assigned carrier at the time of reporting. Current location is accepted at one of three geographic levels: Location ID/Type, Country, State/Province and City, or Latitude/Longitude coordinates.

When generating an event for a shipment leg or shipment leg container, you may also supply ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival at Destination).

Event Reason Code must always be specified. The list of available Reason Codes differs based on the event being generated and the status of the associated entity. This list may also vary based on the user generating the event (the availability of a Reason Code can be restricted by User Group Type).

See Also

Load History (Carrier)

List of Shipments of a Load (Carrier)

Shipment History (Carrier)

Shipment Leg Details (All)

Shipment Leg Detail History (Carrier)