Trailer Activities (Carrier/Employee)

This page allows you to view the event history for a specific stop or dock commitment. Authorized users can trigger events, update dates/times or reason codes for previously recorded events or reverse events.

You cannot edit any value, if this page is accessed for a stop or for a dock commitment that is associated to a stop and the load is in Closed or Canceled Operational Status.

The following events are displayed on the list under the Trailer Activities section corresponding to the sequence in which they are expected to occur:

The Bpi_check_iconicon will be presented for rows where the operation has already been performed.

The Reversal check box will be available for rows where the operation has already been performed and where the status would still allow reversal to be performed.

For each of the events, the Date/Time and Reason Code are required.

See Also

List of Dock Commitments (Carrier)

List of Commitments for Dock (Carrier)

List of Stops (Carrier)

List of Shipment Legs (Carrier/Employee)

Work with Stops – List of Stops (Carrier)

Load Vehicle Information (Carrier/Employee)

Load Reference Numbers – Single Page view (Carrier)