List of Stops (Carrier)

This list allows the user to perform Load Processing operations from a stop-based perspective.


The contents and order of this list will be configurable via standard List Customization functionality. The list is displayed by default in descending order based on Load ID and then ascending order based on Stop Sequence Number. Only entries that qualify based on the latest specified Search criteria will be shown.

For information on icons and functionalities available on the list pages, see Web Interface lists.


Confirm a stop (Carrier)

Confirm delivery for a stop (Carrier)

Create a POD for a stop (Carrier/ Employee)

Create an ETA for a stop (Carrier)

Display loading instructions (Carrier)

Delete an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Display the load reference numbers single page view (Carrier)

Create or update an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Return shipments for a load to Delivered Status (Carrier)

Display memo comments (All)

Display stop properties (Carrier)

Return shipments for a load to In Transit Status (Carrier)

Display stop reference numbers (Carrier)

Display the dock schedule for a stop (Carrier)

Display the list of shipments for a stop (Carrier)

Display the list of stops (Carrier)

Display the list of Stops of a Load/Work with Stops screen (Carrier)

Generate an Appointment Event (Carrier/Employee)

Reverse confirmation for a stop (Carrier)

Search for load stops (Carrier)

Set appointment status (Carrier)

Trailer Activities (Carrier/Employee)

Display the list of attachments (All)

See Also

Work with Stops – List of Stops (Carrier)

Load Processing module (Carrier)