List of Booking Tender Requests (Carrier/Employee)

This list displays a list of tender requests issued at booking level.


By default, the List of Booking Tender Requests is sorted in ascending order by Tender Request ID and then by Response Required By Date.

For information on icons and functionalities available on the list pages, see Web Interface lists.

Note: The List of Booking Tender Requests saves the filtering criteria from the last search for booking tender requests that you have done, whether in the current session or a previous session. This includes the option to display booking tenders in various statuses. You can use the Save Search capability to save the specified search criteria for later use, or the Select Saved Search to restore and use previously saved search criteria.


Search for booking tender requests (Carrier/Employee)

Display the list of booking tender requests (Carrier/Employee)

Display the booking tender request details (Carrier/Employee)

Accept a booking tender (Carrier/Employee)

Accept multiple tenders simultaneously (Carrier)

Reject a booking tender (Carrier)

Reject multiple tenders simultaneously (Carrier)

Reject a non-accepted booking tender (Carrier)

Display tender contacts (Carrier)

Print a tender (Carrier)

Display memo comments (All)

Display the booking reference numbers single page view (Carrier)

See Also

List of Load Tenders (Carrier)

List of Tender Requests (Carrier)

Tender Response module (Carrier)