List of Loads – Load Confirmation (Carrier)

This screen displays loads that you may confirm.

Note: The List of Loads will save the filtering criteria from the last search for loads that you have done, whether in the current session or a previous session.


Confirm a load (Carrier)

Display load details (Carrier)

Display load reference numbers (Carrier/Employee)

View/Update load vehicle information (Carrier/Employee)

Display memo comments (All)

Display the list of loads that can be confirmed (Carrier)

Display the load reference numbers single page view (Carrier)

Print an MBOL report (Carrier)

Search for loads – Load T&T/Confirmation (Carrier)

Display the list of attachments (All)

Manage the domicile resources for a load or trip (Carrier)

Create or view notes (All)

See Also

Load Confirmation module (Carrier)