Manage Domicile Resource (Carrier/Employee)

This page can be used to view all domicile resource assignments such as tractors and trailers for a load or trip. Authorized users can use this page to manage tractor resource assignments. It will be available for loads and trips that utilize carriers with domicile based routes.

In update mode, authorized users can update selected values in the Tractor Utilization section. There is a maximum of one tractor resource associated for a trip or for a load not attached to a trip.

The Trailer Utilization section is always displayed in view mode. There is potentially a separate trailer resource for each load on a trip.

For a selected trip or a selected load associated to a trip, information for the whole trip is displayed.

Resource data for a load or trip cannot be maintained when rating is not valid.

When tractor domicile uses an equipment type where the equipment category is "undefined", vehicle level maintenance is not supported.

For load and trips where tractor equipment type is "tractor" or "tractor/trailer", resource data is editable even after the trip or load is closed.

Vehicle Sequence cannot be defined when Vehicle Overflow is selected. Vehicle Overflow indicates that utilization for a domicile / equipment type / vehicle combination is overcommitted. This could occur during optimization if the penalty cost associated with over-commitment is less than costs associated with other solutions. It could also occur when user chooses to utilize a domicile based carrier for a load or trip.

If Vehicle Hard Commit is selected or a value is defined for Return to Origin Date/Time – Override field, the load or trip will not be eligible for re-planning (that is, cannot be sent to optimizer).


Manage the domicile resources for a load or trip (Carrier)

See Also

List of Loads – T&T (Carrier)

List of Resource Utilization (Carrier)

Resource Utilization Chart (Carrier)

Tractor Utilization Chart (Carrier)

List of Loads – Load Confirmation (Carrier)