Dock Commitment Gantt Chart (Carrier)

This page presents the commitments for all docks defined for a specific shipping location and dates in a Gantt chart format.

Standard list filtering establishes the docks that are displayed for the applicable shipping location. Individual docks for a location are displayed in the list portion of the screen. When docks are selected, the chart on the page is loaded with dock commitments that partially or fully overlap the applicable date horizon for each dock.

You can change the date horizon by specifying a new date in the Jump field or by using the Next/Previous buttons below the dock schedule portion (rightmost set of controls) of the page.


The list is displayed in the left side of the context portion of the screen. By default, the list is in ascending order by Dock ID. Search and Customize View functionalities are available via the icons above the list on the left hand side of the page. Saved Search functionality is available for this list from the Search for Docks for Gantt Chart page and also by using the Saved Searches option in the Search Results header on the Dock Commitment Gantt Chart screen.

Two Customize View icons are displayed on this page. The icon in the list header on the left hand side of the page controls list presentation (column selection, column sequencing, page control, and sorting control) for the list of docks displayed on the left side of the screen.

There are also two sets of Previous/Next functions at the bottom of the screen. The controls under the list portion of the screen control paging for docks. These behave in a manner consistent with Previous/Next functionality on other list pages in Transportation Manager.

Column sorting is not supported for the list portion of this screen.



The benchmark date varies based on the source:

For each user, the benchmark date can be offset by a fixed number of days (forward or backward), or the page can be configured to always start on the most recent occurrence of a specific day of the week (for example, a previous Monday if benchmark date is not a Monday, else benchmark date if benchmark date is a Monday). See "Chart Customization (All)" for information on these controls.

Chart Customization can also be used to control the number of days that are displayed at a time, the duration of each vertical time bar (for example, 1, 4, or 12 hours), and the contents of the hover text that appears briefly when the cursor is positioned on a bar on the Gantt chart.

Two Customize View icons exist on this page. The icon in the upper-right corner of the screen controls chart presentation.

The start time for the first (and possibly only) day that is presented on the chart is always 00:00 (midnight).

Two sets of Previous/Next functions are displayed at the bottom of the screen. The controls under the chart (rightmost set of controls) allow you to shift the current date horizon forward or backward:

Each row represents one dock.

Each commitment for the dock is represented by a colored bar:

Information regarding a dock commitment (for example, Load ID, Start Date/Time, End Date/Time) can be displayed by hovering the mouse over the bar representing this commitment. For some values, a corresponding row will appear in the hover text only when the value indicates that an exception scenario exists.

To execute an operation for a specific dock commitment, you must first click the bar representing the dock commitment. Once a bar has been selected, the box is displayed in bold. Multiple bars can be selected by holding down Ctrl and clicking several bars in succession.

Once a bar has been selected, the box is displayed in bold, as per example below:

This contrasts with unselected bars which will look like this:

Bars on the chart represent the planned duration of the dock activity. When a load or trip's routing/rating/scheduling (RR&S) results are invalidated, dates/times associated with the dock commitment may or may not be valid. When a dock commitment for one stop on a load is modified, it may or may not impact other stops for the same load. Until RR&S is re-performed for the load or trip, the scheduling information for those other stops may or may not be valid.

Start and Return Dates/Times are presented in the time zone of the location for the applicable dock.

Double-clicking from the Dock Commitment Gantt chart can be used as an alternate method of creating a new dock commitment. When double-click is performed on a grid cell of the chart, the Dock Commitment Properties page is displayed in Create mode. Dock ID, Start Date and Start Time defaults based on the Gantt chart “context”. The default Start Time becomes the start time for the clicked cell. For example, if a user double-clicked while cursor was on the cell representing DOCK2 on October 15th, 2010 14:00 – 15:00, DOCK2, 10/15/2010 14:00 are the defaults for those fields on the Dock Commitment Properties page. Since the smallest Hour Interval for the chart is 1 hour (i.e. a cell’s start time is always on the hour), the “Dock Commitment Eligible Start Time” for the dock is not considered.

Representing Trailer Activities on Dock Commitment Gantt Chart

If Display Trailer Activity Icons on Dock Gantt Chart is selected in the Global Settings Global Settings - Transaction Management - Load 3 tab fields.

No trailer activities will be represented in the bar when any of the following statements is True:


Display the dock schedule for a dock commitment (Carrier)

Display the dock schedule for a shipping location (Carrier)

Display the dock schedule for a stop (Carrier)

Display the list of commitments for a dock (Carrier)

Delete a dock commitment (Carrier)

Change the progress of a dock commitment (Carrier)

Display dock commitment properties (Carrier)

Display load shipments for a dock commitment (Carrier)

Display load stops for a dock commitment (Carrier)

Display memo comments (All)

Search for docks for chart (Carrier)

Swap dock commitments (Carrier)

Create a dock commitment (Carrier)

Link unassociated dock commitment with stop (Carrier)

Display dock selection details for a dock commitment (Carrier)

Trailer Activities (Carrier/Employee)

Update Live/Non-Live Loading/Unloading (Carrier/Employee)

Set Appointment Status (Carrier)

See Also

Chart Customization (All)

List of Dock Commitments (Carrier)

List of Locations with Docks (Carrier)

List of Stops (Carrier)

Work with Stops – List of Stops (Carrier)