Load Confirmation (Carrier)

Use this screen to view or change load information, confirm entire loads, or confirm pick-up stops individually.

When you confirm a load, you can verify the properties of its shipments, such as scaled weight, volume, and quantity.

You can only confirm a load that:

If you make any change to a shipment on a load, or you change the container composition, the rating of the load will be invalidated, and the load might be suspended. If you confirm a suspended load, a warning message will appear, but you can complete the confirmation.


Display the load confirmation screen (Carrier)

Load Tasks

Confirm a load (Carrier)

Display carrier and vehicle information (Carrier)

Display load reference numbers (Carrier/Employee)

Display the list of shipments for a load – Load Confirmation (Carrier)

Display the list of attachments (All)

Stop Tasks

Confirm a stop (Carrier)

Delete an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Create or update an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Display loading instructions (Carrier)

Display memo comments (All)

Display stop reference numbers (Carrier)

Display the list of shipments picked at a stop (Carrier)

See Also

Load Confirmation module (Carrier)