Load Details (Carrier)

This screen displays information about the selected load.

You can access this page in the following ways:


Display load reference numbers (Carrier/Employee)

Display memo comments (All)

Display the list of attachments (All)

Tasks (Load Confirmation or Track and Trace)

View/Update load vehicle information (Carrier/Employee)

Tasks (Tender Response)

Accept a load tender (Carrier)

Change an accepted load tender (Carrier)

Display load tender charge details (Carrier)

Display load tender shipping details (Carrier)

Display the list of Stops of a Load/Work with Stops screen (Carrier)

Print a tender (Carrier)

Reject a load tender (Carrier)

See Also

List of Load Tenders (Carrier)

List of Loads – Load Confirmation (Carrier)

List of Loads – T&T (Carrier)

Load History (Carrier)