Appointment (All)

An appointment is a defined pickup or delivery time that you can set for shipment legs or stops.

For shipment legs, you can set appointments for unassigned shipment legs, assigned (but unscheduled) shipment legs on a load, or shipment legs on a manifest.

For stops, you can set appointments for a single stop or stops on planned, scheduled, or manifest loads. You can also specify the same first stop appointment time for multiple loads.

Appointments that you set up for your loads, and that have a status of Planned or greater, can constrain the scheduling process in the following ways:

Note: Appointments for Shipping Locations with Docks defined cannot be user maintained. These are automatically generated and maintained through Dock Commitments.A new Dock Commitment generates an Appointment for the associated Stop. Any update to a Dock Commitment is automatically reflected in the corresponding Stop Appointment.


Create or update an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Display an appointment for Destination or Origin (All)

Delete an appointment (Carrier/Employee)

Delete an appointment for Destination or Origin (All)

Set appointment status (Carrier)

Generate an Appointment Event (Carrier/Employee)

See Also

Appointment for Destination (All)

Appointment for Origin (All)

List of Locations with Docks (Carrier)